Tuesday 6 December 2016

10 Must follow tips for family Travelers in India

Hampi, India - Image Source Click Here

India is a wonderland - but only if you know how to explore a challenging country like India itself – and you need to take my words more seriously if you are travelling with your offspring.

The varying culture from one end to the other end of the country, spicy foods and millions of people may stimulate excitement, amazement and awe all at the same time.  A trip to India can be a unique and lasting experience for you and your family if you go there well prepared. Read on to know our 10 must follow tips if you are travelling to India with your family.

Abide by the cultures norms
Avoid wearing too revealing clothes if you don’t want to get stared at. While wearing a sari and managing it can be very difficult, you can try out other traditional clothes. They can be comfortable and fun.

Carry a water bottle
Use only bottled water to drink or clean your teeth. Make sure that the bottle you buy is sealed.

Explore palaces and forts
India is a country of rich cultural heritage and history, and the best way to experience its magnificence is to visit the places that can offer you a peek in the country’s rich past. Take your kids to a temple, palace or fort and see their reaction.

Take the right route
The transport system in India is good and you can find plentiful of domestic flights, trains and buses to take you from one place to another. Nevertheless, it’s impossible to cover everything in one trip (unless you are staying for at least three months) as it’s a vast country. So plan well what all places you want to visit and know how you are going to commute.

Although most of the Indians can be hospitable, but you need to be a little watchful when you are in crowded areas, or even at secluded places. Keep your belongings close to you and leave your valuables in the hotel.

Drive a hard bargain when you go shopping
You may tempt to buy all the handcrafts a shop or a roadside vendor will be selling. Yes, the stuff can be that good! But don’t shy away to bargain hard if the shop doesn’t have a “fixed price” board.

Take your doctor’s advice before you depart 
Consult your doctor before you leave for India. Take his/her advice to cope up with a common medical issue such as diarrhea, cold, fever and likes. It’s advised to carry a basic medical kit.

Travel with friends
It always seems great to have your friends around. Ask all your friends if they want to accompany you. It can be even better if they can come along with their partner and kids. The kids would like to be with someone their age.

Avoid anything that’s not cooked
The food in India can be a surprise for your kin. Eating like a local (using your hands) to eat is advised if you really want to savor Indian cuisines. However, eat cooked food and subside on vegetarian cuisines. You are also advised to carry along a hand sanitizer.

Stay at high-end properties
Spend some extra bucks and stay at a nice hotel if you are travelling with your little ones. Budget hotels may love to accommodate you, but some necessary facilities can be amiss. 

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